Audioguide auf Englisch
A complete Audio-Guide to the travelling exhibition "Self-help and Migration" in english language:

Stele 2: Our work as an umbrella organisation

Stele 3: Self-help: Can it really "help"?

Stele 4: Intercultural support groups. Start-up assistance for founding.

Stele 5: What even is self-help? A conversation clears things up!

Stele 6: Welcome.

Stele 7-10: The meaning of the word self-help is explained on this column in different languages.

Stele 11: Expert interview. Christopher Kofahl

Stele 12: Expert interview. Arif Ünal

Stele 13: Expert interview. Prof. Dr Dr Hürrem Tezcan-Güntekin

Stele 14: Expert interview. Fadma Stey-Hannane

Stele 15: MINA – Leben in Vielfalt e.V. (Life in Diversity)

Stele 16: Migration – Disability – Self-Help. Three examples of intercultural self-help

Stele 17: My life with the extra chromosome. Strong parents, strong children

Stele 18: Dementia and migration. Diversity in view

Stele 19: HIV prevention in migrant communities. The AGHNiD network introduces itself

Stele 20: Zentralwohlfahrtsstelle der Juden in Deutschland e.V. (Central Welfare Office of the Jews in Germany) (ZWST)

Stele 21: Umut Yolu Derneği Weg der Hoffnung e.V. (Way of Hope)

Stele 22: We create encounters! Der Paritätische NRW

Stele 23: Migration meets self-help A working area of the Kontaktstelle für Selbsthilfe

Stele 24: Quotes & Videos